Legal notice
Sprachenakademie Aachen gemeinnützige GmbH
Address: Buchkremerstraße 6, 52062 Aachen, Germany
Phone: +49 (0) 241-920 40 0
Fax: +49 (0)241-920 40 18
Value Added Tax Identification Number: DE 253827294
Registry court: Amtsgericht Aachen HRB 8595
Non-profit status confirmed by the latest notification of the finance authority Aachen-Stadt (15.11.2024)
Managing director: Kai U. Müller
Edited by Sprachenakademie Aachen editorial team
Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) article 14, paragraph 1
The European Commission offers a platform for online dispute regulation. You can find it at This service is available for people living in the EU only.
Accountability for content
We have created the contents of our website with utmost care. We can, however, not guarantee the accuracy, completeness and up-to-dateness of all contents. According to legal obligations, we are responsible solely for our own content on this website. Please note that we are accordingly not in charge of monitoring any content derived from other origins which we cite or summarize on our website; it is furthermore not our obligation to look into circumstances that might point to illegal activities. Our obligation to remove or block the use of information according to generally applicable laws remains unaffected by this.
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